
A Teacher in Training

How Can A Virtual College Planner Help You As A Non-Traditional Student?

Are you planning to go back to class but are worried you will find the experience complicated? You can consider yourself a non-traditional student if you are employed, going back to class, financially dependent, or have dependents in school. Choosing a course and college can be a bit intimidating, but a virtual college planner can help you choose the course or college. They will make your experience smoother in several ways:

Choosing a Compatible Course

Choosing the course you want to study can be a big challenge. What course is best for your long-term goals? Your choice should complement your long-term career goals. But you often find several courses that are almost similar.

A virtual college planning consultant can be very helpful in identifying a course with units that empower your skills. They can tell you how different courses fit into your career plans. Even more important, they will guide you to the best college for the course you choose. 

Choosing a Compatible College 

Some non-traditional students find it hard to adapt to the college culture because they find it incompatible. For example, you may find the age gap between you and your class group very large and uncomfortable. If you lean strongly towards religion, you might want to be around people who share your beliefs.

Different colleges have different cultures, which you will get to know better only after your admission. But you can work with a virtual college planner to find a school that will be comfortable with your interests in academics and social life.

The planner can guide you on colleges with robust and friendly online learning programs if you are learning remotely. Most importantly,  a planner will ensure you apply for admission into a college where they will accept your grades. A virtual college planner will help you make a compromise between what you want and what you can realistically get.

Plan Your College Financing 

Non-traditional students sometimes find it hard to access financing for a college education because of age and financial reasons. There will be no point in applying to an institution where your admission is likely to be rejected for financial reasons.

A virtual college planning consultant will work with you to find a college that offers a program you can afford. They can also help you explore financing that is friendly for non-traditional students, e.g. foundation grants. 

Do you want a higher education but don't know where to start? Talk to a virtual college planner like Dr. Leslie Tucker Coach, LLC to help you realize your dreams. 

About Me

A Teacher in Training

Even though I'm not a teacher, teaching is where I feel most at home. I actually have quite a bit of experience teaching non-professionally. For example, I teach Bible class to the 14-year-olds in my church, and I have volunteered teaching English abroad in 2 different countries. Granted, it's nothing that anyone would pay me for. I've never really had any formal training. I just love helping others learn something new about the world! But I'm thinking about going back to school to get a teaching certificate. This blog is to help me decide if that's really what I want to do. So while it's mostly for my own personal use, I hope you can learn something new too.