
A Teacher in Training

Tips For Keeping Your Toddler Healthy At Day Care

Day care centers provide a wonderful environment where toddlers can be cared for by loving caregivers. If you are enrolling your child in a day care center in the near future, you most likely want to do whatever you can to prevent your child from falling ill and then making the rest of the family sick. Toddlers are amazing, but at their young age, they don't understand that it is important to wash hands and avoid touching their faces and other surfaces in order to prevent the spread of germs. Use the following tips to help keep your toddler healthy when being cared for at a day care center:

Tour a Day Care Center Before Enrollment

One of the best ways to keep your toddler from getting sick when attending a day care center is by doing a comprehensive tour before you enroll your child. When you tour a prospective day care center, make sure that you pay close attention to how clean it is and what type of measures the staff is taking to disinfect highly touched surfaces. A reputable day care center will make cleaning and disinfecting each classroom a priority in order to prevent the spread of germs.

Understand the Day Care Center's Sick Policy

If you want to do your best to ensure that your toddler stays healthy while at day care, your best option is to choose a reputable day care center that has a strict sick policy. A strict sick policy will help ensure that ill children are not allowed on-site, which means that your toddler is less likely to be in contact with germs that can cause illness. When a day care center has a strict sick policy, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that the kids in your toddler's class are healthy each day that they attend.

Promote Good Health

Toddlers are pretty resilient, but there are measures that you can take to help keep your child healthy and safe. Make it a point to feed your toddler a healthy diet to help ensure that he or she receives the nutrition he or she needs. Toddlers also tend to learn very well by modeling their parents, so it can be helpful to show your child how to wash his or her hands and encourage regular hand washing during the time your child spends at his or her day care center.

About Me

A Teacher in Training

Even though I'm not a teacher, teaching is where I feel most at home. I actually have quite a bit of experience teaching non-professionally. For example, I teach Bible class to the 14-year-olds in my church, and I have volunteered teaching English abroad in 2 different countries. Granted, it's nothing that anyone would pay me for. I've never really had any formal training. I just love helping others learn something new about the world! But I'm thinking about going back to school to get a teaching certificate. This blog is to help me decide if that's really what I want to do. So while it's mostly for my own personal use, I hope you can learn something new too.