
A Teacher in Training

4 Lifestyle Benefits You Can Expect From Regular Chiropractor Visits

Chiropractic care is a safe and non-invasive option for those who are looking to treat neck and back discomfort. But regular chiropractic visits can offer you so much more than that, even if you are not currently dealing with back and neck issues. Here are four lifestyle benefits you can expect to take advantage of by scheduling regular visits to the chiropractor:

The Opportunity to Manage Pain with Less Medication

While most traditional medical doctors tend to manage various types of pain with medication of some kind, chiropractors can often treat that same pain with the addition of minimal medication, if there is even a need for any at all. A well trained chiropractor can treat a variety of ailments in addition to neck and back pain such as:

  • Recurring Headaches
  • Sciatica
  • Ear Infections
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis

In addition, chiropractic care typically involves aligning the spine, which can open up nerve flow and improve nerve function throughout the body. This results in less chance for the occurrence of body pain overall.

The Need for Less Effort During Exercise

Because chiropractic care straightens and lengthens the spine, as well as opens up nerve energy as already mentioned, flexibility and muscular strength tends to increase as well. This means that exercising is a little easier on the body, and you don't have to expel as much effort as you would if you were working out with stiff muscles and joints.

Some of the many types of exercises you can expect to have an easier time with after seeing a chiropractor include:

  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Running
  • Rowing

Lifting weights may even be a bit easier on your muscles after being freshly relaxed and conditioned by a chiropractor, and the additional strength you gain from weight lifting will help to support your musculoskeletal system for optimal health and minimal pain.

The Ability to Recognize Muscle Stress Symptoms

A good chiropractor is happy to sit down with you and provide you with some insight that will help you recognize signs of muscle stress and nerve compression, giving you an opportunity to schedule an appointment for spinal manipulation and to treat trigger points before any bothersome pain begins to develop. Calling for treatment before serious pain begins ensures that you don't end up having to live with much pain while waiting for an appointment to open up with your chiropractor.

Being able to recognize muscle stress symptoms will also give you the opportunity to ramp up your stretching and exercising routine as to avoid any pain in between chiropractic care visits. Your chiropractor can show you basic stretches to do that are effective options for relieving muscle strain as well as back and neck pain.

The Knowledge That There's Less Risk for Disease

An adjustment of the C-1 vertebra may significantly reduce blood pressure without the need for medications. In fact, this chiropractic procedure can have the same effect as two typical blood pressure medications combined. Keeping blood pressure low is important as it helps to prevent:

  • Heart and Blood Vessel Damage
  • Kidney Damage
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Angina
  • Vision Loss

Your blood pressure should consistently read below 140/90 mm Hg to maximize your chances of avoiding these complications as time goes on, and chiropractic care can help you manage your levels. Of course, in addition to making use of chiropractic care it's important to maintain a close relationship with your medical doctor in order to monitor your blood pressure levels.

Every chiropractor has their own unique methods and techniques that they use, so it's a good idea to schedule an initial appointment just to talk about treatment options so you both have a chance to determine whether or not you're a good fit for one another. 

About Me

A Teacher in Training

Even though I'm not a teacher, teaching is where I feel most at home. I actually have quite a bit of experience teaching non-professionally. For example, I teach Bible class to the 14-year-olds in my church, and I have volunteered teaching English abroad in 2 different countries. Granted, it's nothing that anyone would pay me for. I've never really had any formal training. I just love helping others learn something new about the world! But I'm thinking about going back to school to get a teaching certificate. This blog is to help me decide if that's really what I want to do. So while it's mostly for my own personal use, I hope you can learn something new too.